The LiiRA extension study is one visit. At this visit we will perform a similar assessment from your baseline in the LiiRA main study which included a joint exam, laboratory studies and a stress myocardial perfusion PET (cardiac PET). The main difference is that we will also obtain a coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). This is a test that allows us to see if you have plaque build-up in your coronary arteries.
In the LiiRA main study, all study participants had a cardiac PET. This is basically a cardiac stress test which lets us know how well your heart is perfusing. It can also provide us with some information that isn't used in the clinic, about how the small vessels in your heart, known as the coronary microvascular system are doing. In the LiiRA extension, we are inviting back LiiRA study participants both with and without some degree of coronary microvascular dysfunction to determine potential long term effects on the heart.